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>> About
  The group was founded to engage principally in the soldering equipment and material hardling products mainly for the electrical and electronic industry.
  Since 1980. recognising the expected potential growth in the electronic industry all over the world. Eagle diversified into the production automation under establi shed the research and development department. How to design and create some more advanced equipments in our group.
  Under the empire guide principle of "Do the best" all the member of our group realize the professional performance and behaviour attitude are essential to the continued success of the group.
  Through the effort of twenty years, the confidence and friendly relationship between the group and customers have been establi shed mainly in Asia as HongKong, Vietnam and China.
  Eagle intent to continue working towards creating a fully vertically integrated manufacturing process, advance products, competitive price and our excellent services to thank you the kindly support of our customers.
Updated: 2020/5/5     Views: 3364
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